Polycaprolactone thermoplastic, aquaplast, and self-lubricating plastic; 35mm color film with sound 93 × 290 × 203 cm
Prosthetic plastic, bridal satin banner, manx tar-tan, silkscreen laser disk in onionskin sleeve 91 × 122 × 104 cm
2 silkscreened digital video disks, stainless steel, internally lubricated plastic, marble and sterling silver in acrylic vitrine 110,5 × 119 × 102 cm
Silkscreened digital video disk, nylon, tooled saddle leather, sterling silver, polycarbonate honeycomb, beeswax and acrylic 104 × 119 × 99 cm
Silkscreened video disk, cast polyester, self – lubricating plastic, prosthetic plastic, patent vinyl 91,4 × 121,9 × 129,5 cm