
The Ethics of Collecting


The Ethics of Collecting

On the occasion of the presentation of the “Code of Conduct for Contemporary Art Collectors”, EMST in collaboration with State of Concept is organizing the discussion “The Ethics of Collecting”.

The “Code of Conduct for Contemporary Art Collectors” is a text drafted by a group of collectors consisting of Pedro Barbosa, Haro Cumbusyan, Iordanis Kerenidis, Evrim Oralkan, Jessica Oralkan, Piergiorgio Pepe, Sandra Terdjman and Andre Zivanari, with the aim of creating a paradigm shift in the field of collecting. The discussion “The Ethics of Collecting” aims to highlight issues related to professional conduct and best practices regarding the collaboration between cultural institutions, artists, collectors and other actors active in the field of contemporary art.

The panel consists of the ethics practitioner and contemporary art collector, Piergiorgio Pepe, quantum computer scientist and contemporary art collector, Iordanis Kerenidis, the director of the D.Daskalopoulos Collection, Ioanna Vryzaki and the artist, Paki Vlassopoulou. The discussion will be moderated by Katerina Gregos, Artistic Director of EMST, and Iliana Fokianaki, Director of State of Concept.

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